Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bucket Book

Awhile back, S gave me a beautiful hand sewn book.  It was so pretty that I hated to use it.  I couldn't think of a worth use. But after talking to V, I've decided to make it my Bucket Book. 

I started with 2012 (when I got the book) and added pictures of parasailing in Panama City Beach. 
Then the 2013 helicopter ride at PCB.  Hopefully, each year I can add a new adventure. 
My hope for 2014 is to add skydiving.

Some other ideas include: scuba diving, hot air ballooning, snow boarding, running a race, driving a race car, lots of travel (all 50 states, Italy, New Zealand, Scotland) and a few tame ideas: read classic literature and write a book.

I googled some other people's ideas...and found that I had done more of the items on their list than I had ever imagined.
1. Go White water rafting (in Colorado, Alaska and Tennessee)
2. Learn to sail a Catamaran
3. Do a flip on a trampoline (as a kid...prob'ly couldn't do that now)
4. Swim in the ocean (Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico)
5. Ski (in Colorado and Alaska)
6. Attend a rodeo (in Colorado, Wyoming and Alabama)
7. See the Grand Canyon
8. Ride in a police car (not as a criminal)
9. See a glacier (College Fjords in Alaska)
10. Hug a redwood tree
11. Hike a mountain (Devils Head in Colorado)
12. Go Snowshoeing
13. Go camping in the Snow, on purpose
14. Fish for salmon (in Alaska)
15. Canoe (in Colorado, Florida and Mexico)
16. Go to a high school reunion
17. Donate toys (yearly)
18. Give blood (frequently)
19. Donate clothes (often)
20. Send care packages to soldiers
21. Participate in a charity walk (several)
22. Read all of the books your fav author has written (Lillian Jackson Braun and Anne George)
23. Bet on a dog race (it was a date, true story)
24. Learn to play golf
25. Ice skate backwards (I got all the way to jumping, when I was younger)
26. See a foreign film (a must if taking a film class)
27. Play slots (I actually did quite well in Reno and Gulfport, MS)
28. Go Christmas caroling
29. Learn how to fence (got college credit for it too!)
30. Visit a Bed & Breakfast (a "haunted" one in Colorado)
31. Build a gingerbread house (so fun with a class of  kindergarteners)
32. Start the research on your family tree
33. Watch a movie at a Drive-In theatre (they are hard to find, nowadays)
34. Refinish furniture
35. Make something on a pottery wheel
36. Learn to paint
37. Make jewelry
38. Make a stain glass project
39. Adopt an animal
40. Participate in a murder mystery dinner
41. Take a cruise (so much fun!)
42. See the Eiffle Tower
43. See the Tower of London
44. Visit the Palace of Versailles
45. See the Mona Lisa
these weren't on the list...but should have been ;)
46. Sing with a real Spanish Mariachi band
47. Drive to Wyoming in the middle of the night to eat breakfast at sunrise at Denny's
48. Eat toast in Texas
49. Eat at the northern most Denny's (in Fairbanks, Alaska)
50. Try exotic food (frog legs, squid, pheasant, caribou, octopus)

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