Monday, May 27, 2013

Baccalaureate & Graduation

Years of work: 17, Elementary schools: 3, Middle schools: 2, High schools: 2, Seeing Buddy walk across the stage and receive his diploma: Priceless! 

Once again, I squalled through the Baccalaureate service. They have a power point type presentation that shows each of the graduates growing gets me every time! I started sniffling even before Buddy's pictures came up. Number of Kleenex: too many to count!!

I'm just so proud of him! It has been a struggle for him every step of the way. I do mean from day one: the first day of Pre-k, when they put him in the restraining chair. He broke it!!

Even Sunday school was tough. Miss Myra came and said, I'd sure like for him to come to group time. So we started out sitting in chairs in the hallway the first week. I didn't give up until he was sitting on the mat and listening with the rest of the class.

When it comes to stubbornness, he met his match! Hate it for you. Hate that you don't like it. Too bad for you. Suck it up, Buttercup. 'Cause Mom says so!! Buddy never wanted to hear : should we call Mom?

And finally the struggle is worth it. He has come so far. And overcome so much.

I can't thank everyone enough...the teachers, aides, administrators and especially the prayer warriors! It truly took a village to get Buddy through school! Bless you!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mother's Day

I was bored here at the apartment.  I wanted to do a batik, but because of the wax mess it makes, I decided not to.  So I just did a watercolor of my Mom's fav flower.
I was sick on Saturday night, so I stayed home on Sunday.  The boys brought me back lunch and roses.  They know that Mother's day is tough on me.  Makes me miss my mom even more.

Friday, May 17, 2013

End of a long chapter

Today marks the end of a very long chapter. Buddy finished high school. So after seventeen years, I no longer have kiddies in public school. He is excited not to have homework and tests anymore.

But for me: kind of scary. It is hard to leave the known and comfortable.   I feel a bit lost. I already lost my identity as paid employee and now I've lost my identity of school-age Mom. Not sure what the next chapter will hold. I've been toying with the idea of selling my creations. Just hard to get started and decide what might sell. Hopefully after we get settled in the house, something fabulou-ohso will come to me. The aha (!) moment. Likely after midnight or in the shower.

Little bit

I'm completion-oriented, so having my life in limbo is out of my comfort zone. We are still in the apartment. Not my fav. The walls are thin.  I definitely hear the neighbors. I sounds like we are staying beneath the Olympic gymnastic team. Ugh!

It wont be long, the movers come Monday. That will be a long long day. We have a plan. Set up the big stuff. Put all of the boxes in the garage. Take Aleve and collapse.

I'm excited about setting up the house. I already found two big rugs, two bath mats, and two shower curtains. I'm on as roll. Next are the windows. Much easier with six, as opposed to thirty-eight!

Then landscaping. Mark's (builder) wife told him that he picks out ugly plants. Bless her! So he gave us cash at closing. So we can go buy our own rosebushes and shrubs. Yay! Works for me!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Closing Date

Tomorrow IS the big day: closing on the new house!  Almost ready to move in!  We are getting rugs (and maybe drapes) this weekend. And small stuff daily. Movers are getting the big stuff the 20th. I'm hoping to be settled by Memorial day! Woot woot!

When we started this process three months ago, I thought it would take at least 6-18 months to sell the house. And yes, I said that we would never build a house. It took less than week to sell the house. And we did build. I must say ya gotta be careful when you ask for confirmation that it is a good plan!

Friday, May 10, 2013


We had the inspection and punch list (anything that needs attention) today. Not much needs to be done.

If everything goes smoothly with the paperwork, we should close the 14th.  Then we can start moving in. Cletus' work schedule and the movers doesn't mesh until the 20th. It will give us time to hang curtains and find area rugs. We can get all of the TV, phone, utilities set up. And carry over some of the small stuff.

I have lots of ideas. But just unpacking all of the boxes will be a bit enough job for awhile. Then I'm going to need help hanging all of the artwork!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I love large majestic trees. They have stood the test of time. The rains come and loosens the soil and the winds try to blow them over. But their deep roots keep them in place. The storms may change the direction of their growth. But the "imperfections" make each unique. Times change but they are steadfast.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Quiet time

Still getting used to this transitional stage. The apartment is really nice. It is just small and a bit claustrophobic. Since there isn't anything to clean, fix, pack, buy or is forcing me to relax. I don't relax very well.

I'm still waffling on the meds from calm to wired/jittery. I do my best to nap during the calm times. It has rained all weekend, so it has been perfect napping weather.

Long story not so short, I am feeling better. Just trying to appreciate each day and not live in the "when"  (when we get settled).

Friday, May 3, 2013

Medical Update

I'm doing ok.  The meds appear to be doing a good job.  Yesterday, I was itchy and quite jittery but the pain and welts are lessening.  I finally had a few hours of sleep last night, so I am having a better day today. 

I'm still stressed. I can't seem to shut it off.  I know that it is self imposed and that I am my own worst enemy. 

I worked our this morning.  I think it helped to sweat and let off some negative energy. I need to make it a priority.  And I need to capture stinky thinking and get rid of it.   People can say whatever they want...It is my choice as to whether or not to believe it.

Almost Done

The front porch

 The back porch is done
 Kitchen appliances are in
 View from the back door looking towards the front door.
Eat in kitchen.

So, other than touch ups and landscaping, I think we are done.  We should be having the inspection and walk thru next week.  Then we can close and move in!  So happy to see that they put in closet organizers and bathroom essentials (towel rack, tp holder etc).

So this weekend we start looking at curtains :)  It won't be long!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tipping Point

I was watching the Mythbusters TV show. They were discussing the "tipping point". The point at which the car stops teetering and slides into the ravine. Apparently, I have already passed that point.

I have been having pain on the right side of my head for a few days. It hurts to wash or brush my hair, and it hurts to lay that side of my head. So I gave up and went to the doctor this morning. The diagnosis: shingles.

The chicken pox virus that had been dormant since first grade has awakened. Rudely woken up by stress. Do I have any of that? Yeah, only in every aspect of my life.

Sadly the doc has put me on methylprednisone. The last time I had that, I was so hyped up that I painted the kitchen, laundry, den and Buddy's room...I had walking pneumonia! What am I going to do with that much energy in this apartment. Anybody have home repair projects that I can work on, since I won't be sleeping?