Friday, May 17, 2013

Little bit

I'm completion-oriented, so having my life in limbo is out of my comfort zone. We are still in the apartment. Not my fav. The walls are thin.  I definitely hear the neighbors. I sounds like we are staying beneath the Olympic gymnastic team. Ugh!

It wont be long, the movers come Monday. That will be a long long day. We have a plan. Set up the big stuff. Put all of the boxes in the garage. Take Aleve and collapse.

I'm excited about setting up the house. I already found two big rugs, two bath mats, and two shower curtains. I'm on as roll. Next are the windows. Much easier with six, as opposed to thirty-eight!

Then landscaping. Mark's (builder) wife told him that he picks out ugly plants. Bless her! So he gave us cash at closing. So we can go buy our own rosebushes and shrubs. Yay! Works for me!!

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