Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tipping Point

I was watching the Mythbusters TV show. They were discussing the "tipping point". The point at which the car stops teetering and slides into the ravine. Apparently, I have already passed that point.

I have been having pain on the right side of my head for a few days. It hurts to wash or brush my hair, and it hurts to lay that side of my head. So I gave up and went to the doctor this morning. The diagnosis: shingles.

The chicken pox virus that had been dormant since first grade has awakened. Rudely woken up by stress. Do I have any of that? Yeah, only in every aspect of my life.

Sadly the doc has put me on methylprednisone. The last time I had that, I was so hyped up that I painted the kitchen, laundry, den and Buddy's room...I had walking pneumonia! What am I going to do with that much energy in this apartment. Anybody have home repair projects that I can work on, since I won't be sleeping?

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