Friday, July 16, 2010


I borrowed the feel free to do your own

I am... missing Tdawg already…he will be back in a week from football camp
I think... therefore I am
I should... try to make a decision about which vehicle to buy
I dream... of being on a tropical island, specifically Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is currently being filmed in Hawaii
I want... to spend the weekend in a deep pain-free sleep
I know... what is truly matters!
I don’t like... loud talkers
I smell... Popcorn…my co-workers eat it at all hours!
I hear... My IPOD
I fear... the challenges in a parenting area where I keep “blowing it”
I usually... play one game of Solitare per day
I search... for the positive in all experiences (my cup overfloweth)
I miss... my mom and dad (everyday)
I always... start the day with grand intentions
I regret... bad decisions I have made…and yet, He is still using them for good.
I wonder... if I have enough balance-control to learn how to surf
I crave... a creative outlet
I remember... how I always felt better after talking to Mom
I need... to go to the gym
I forget... to call to set up an appointment
I feel... blessed
I can... persevere
I can’t... seem to get “my ducks in a row”
I am happy... because I choose to be
I lose... important items and it makes me nuts!
I sing... great in the car all by myself
I listen... less and talk more than I should
I shop... to cheer myself up.
I eat... too much
I love... my husband, my children, my sister, my friends, my God,
and the list goes on ...
I wish... I could magically lose weight without trying very hard!

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