Thursday, May 22, 2014

In a Jam

After years of missing out.  I finally went to Brown's Farm at the right time.  Buddy didn't want to pick strawberries (he was having a fussy day), so I bought a tub of strawberries.  Actually, I bought two tubs of strawberries.  Which didn't look like all that much...until I got them home.

That's ok, I'm a pioneer woman.  I used to be a girl scout.  I can do this.  I have never canned before, but I can freeze stuff.  So a short trip to the store later, I had containers and pectin and lots and lots of strawberries.

After a minor excavation, I found Tdawg's protein shake blender.  Pan (check), 3-4 cups pureed strawberries (check), lemon juice (check) and 7 cups of sugar.  Do what??  Find glasses (check). Reread recipe (check).  Yup, SEVEN cups of sugar!  Egads!  Well, I don't have seven cups of sugar.  And I'm NOT going to my neighbor: "'cuse me, can I borrow seven cups of sugar?"  So I use the 3 cups that I have.

Well, in hindsight, I should have used a bigger pan.  We almost had a disaster.  And I don't have a (candy) thermometer.  So I guessed.  Added the pectin and it was a foaming explosion.  Waste not want not.  So the mix (very hot) went back in the blender to de-foam.  And then into containers.

All in all, it worked out ok in the end.  Back to the store again (for sugar) and made a second batch. And we have lots and lots and lots of strawberry...well, not exactly jam.  More like preserves/syrup.  But it is delicious!  I have been having it on my English muffins and it is killer on ice cream!

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