Sunday, August 16, 2009


I am feeling better. The soreness is gone. Thanks to the chiropractor I have been seeing three times a week. The initial x-ray of my neck about made me sick. But, if Doc Marty can help, I am all for it. The electrical stimulation and heat pack is awesome. I could do that all day. Actually, I wish I had one in my office! I am thinking that years of bad posture and a mis-spent youth is catching up with me. One of the disks in my low back is degenerating. Doc seems to think that is from the car accident years ago. The old formula injury + time = degeneration. At least the rest of the disks still look good. My neck, however, not so good. I think I do more x-rays next week. I am praying that it looks a lot better. If not, I'm off for an MRI.

1 comment:

raymondwebb said...

x-rays will show the space height of the discs, bones, and the spine alignment. An MRI will show the discs and any problems, rupture, herniation, and degeneration. X-Rays will not show problems with discs. That is my understanding, I have been wrong once or twice. :)
"I never told anyone, anything they didn't already know." - RayWebb I hope all this passes for you w/o any residual problems.