Monday, September 14, 2009

A Day of Infamy

Eight years has passed since the devastating day of September 11, 2001. It is my day of infamy. I am too young to remember Pearl Harbor and the day John F. Kennedy was shot.

This is the day etched into me...I remember exactly where I was at the time and the moments leading up to it..

I remember being amazed and proud of the southerners (utility workers, fire and medical personnel)who packed up and headed north to help.

I remember learning of the heroics on the Pennsylvania flight. I am extremely grateful for the brave men and women. What a different world it would be If that plane would have destroyed Washington D.C., as it had intended.

I remember frantically calling Smarty Pants, the only person I knew to be in New York at the time.

I remember that for a short while, everything else was put aside, we came together as a country.

And now I see how soon we forget.


SSP said...

isn't that true.....we were busy with a lot of important things on friday, huh? I love you, and I remember you called....

Loveday's Day said...

You said exactly what I was thinking