Thursday, July 25, 2013

26 Years!

26 years ago (when I was!), two crazy kids took a solemn vow.  Despite friends and family telling us that our marriage would only last seek weeks...we believed in and have lived by the solemn promises we made to each other that day.  Actually, they gave us a maximum of six weeks. Most thought that since we had only known each other seven months, that we were making a hasty decision.  My family didn't think that he would put up with me.  We won't even get into his family.  Lets just say, they would have preferred we not get married.  But we are both stubborn, of course, he is more stubborn than I am.  Things have not worked out the way we envisioned and we both had to lose some expectations...but we have weathered the storms braver and not bitter.  We are still going strong and have two lovely children.  I'd say we are a success story!

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