Thursday, January 12, 2012

Goals Dreams and Inspirations

Wow, I'm really in a funk. It has rained for days: dark, damp, dreary, dismal, drippy and depressing. I have webmd diagnosed myself with seasonal disorder. So what is the rx? I'm not one for pills. So I called bestie and whined through lunch. That actually does help by the way...temporarily! Bestie is not only a good listener...she asked me what my dreams are. I don't know! I have done the same thing for so long that I think I've lost myself along the way. I have determined my identity by what I do: wife, mom, worker bee. The biggest problem with that is when it radically changes. I was the victim of a layoff two months ago. So now I am: wife, mom and useless. I have been doing projects to validate my not working. It is good to finish projects: refurbish the outside lights, organize the closet, paint the living room. But pretty soon, the projects aren't enough. And thus the funk. So, even though I'm not much for resolution. I think some goals, dreams and inspirations are in order. Starting with reading One Thousaind Gifts.

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