Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

And so we say good-bye to 2011...I sincerely hope that 2012 is a lot better. Thus far it is not starting out so well. Buddy is still not feeling well. Three weeks ago, he had all four of his wisdom teeth removed along witha twelve year molar that was impacted. Maybe V is right, he won't eat because of the pain. His diet has been basically one meal of 1/2 box of macaroni and cheese, one pudding cup, sprite...and later a cup of vanilla ice cream. Best guess is about 500 calories. He has lost 11 pounds in two weeks. I have to beg and plead to get him to go out for a little while. One day we went and played putt-putt. Afterwards, he just wanted to come home. He went up to bed and stayed there the rest of the day. I think Cletus has broken his foot. He had been limping around for about a week. He didn't know why. And then Satureday, he mis-stepped up onto a curb and felt a stabbing pain. It is now swollen and it can't bear weight. So he has been using Tdawg's old crutches, until we can get into see the doc.

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