Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alumni Donation

Most of the trip to Denver was sad and depressing...mixed with a lot of hard work. We had to go through my Dad's things. Since he had lived in the house since 1958, he accumulated a lot!! He was an avid golfer and love to find treasure...that is lost golf balls. So, we had plenty to give away. I called WRHS (my alma matter)and asked the golf team if they would appreciate them. They naively said "Yes". So Sissy and I put them in hefty sacks as full as we could lift and drove them over. As I was going into the high school, the principal was coming out. It turns out that I know him! We graduated the same year. He was the star quarterback. It was a little surreal to see him there. You should have seen his eyes pop when Sissy and I unloaded at least 12 hefty bags of golf balls! Sadly, we still had more! I don't think that they will be calling on this alum for any more donations!!

1 comment:

SSP said...

still am amazed that it is good old Griff!!