Friday, June 19, 2009

Sticks part two

Do not get the idea that our evening at the driving range went smoothly. We looked like the Three Stooges! I was feeling confident as I got Cletus’ clubs out of the back of the car. I swung the bag over my shoulder. The bag was so heavy that I almost went over backwards! I wasn’t feeling so confident after I wildly waved my arms in the parking lot to regain my balance.

R looked a little bit more confident than I. She had borrowed her man’s clubs and was carrying them draped over her forearm like a purse!

We got our bucket of balls, thankfully this time without incident. Apparently, last time G had the bucket under the wrong side and her 50 golf balls spewed out and went rolling everywhere!

I waited for G to hit first. Since, G was the only one of the three of us that had ever golfed before, so I thought she could give us some pointers. Hmmm, umm…maybe not.
G artfully swung her club back and managed to knock over her golf bag in the process. The golf bag (irons, in particular) makes a really loud clanging noise as they bounce on the concrete. I’m pretty sure that everyone there knew at that time that we were beginners.

Next, R swung the club back and hit the brick post. She examined the driver. Do you think this scratch was there before? Do you think my man will notice? We turned around to look at the driver and it glistened! Wow that is a clean club! R informed us that her man had cleaned up his golf clubs for her. He cleaned them with pledge!! Oh dear! I count it fortunate that the club did not go sailing out of her hands!

We had good shots and bad shots. Once I shanked it. Sadly, G was standing in front of me. Not sure how I managed that one…but G sure can dive out of the way fast if she has to!

Well, there is always next week…

1 comment:

Sherry said...

wow you make golf sound like fun!