Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I wanted just one thing this week: no drama. “So how’s that workin’ out for ya, Laur?” Um, well, not so good, actually…

Tdawg called me Monday morning. He was at football practice running sprints and felt a snap (like a rubber band). He thought that he had pulled his left hamstring and was in pain. So, we got him into the TOC (the orthopaedic center), also known as my home away from home. It turns out that Tdawg cracked the growth plate in the femur, where the hamstring attaches to the bone. (can you say “ouch!”). So he is currently on crutches. If he does not behave, he will be out the rest of the football season. We are all praying for a speedy full recovery.

He actually made it four days longer into summer break without literally breaking something. It was June 10th of last year when he broke his arm. Four days is some kind of record…right? Ugh! Tdawg's name is written on every one of my gray hairs!!

1 comment:

SSP said...

ahhh the joys of motherhood?? hang in there, it is almost fall....