Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pioneer Woman: Wednesday

What a crazy week. It started off Wednesday morning. I wasn't feeling well and decided to stay home. I had a doc appointment scheduled for that afternoon. As the week had gone on, the weather channel was predicting a bad weather day for Wednesday. I kept Buddy home. I wanted Tdawg to stay home but he said he had a test. So, he left about 9:30a for school. Before noon, the tornado sirens were blaring. Buddy and I got into the closet and we lost power. The rain, the wind, the first of four hail storms. The house shook and I could hear trees breaking and things hitting the house. But when it finally quieted down, we were ok. One of the new windows was leaking. There were limbs everywhere. And bits of leaves plastered to the house. Other than that we were truly spared.

Cletus came home soon after and then Tdawg. Tdawg had spent the majority of his time at school in a hallway. They started at 10a and were supposed to dismiss at noon. Aggravating!! The school system put all of those people in danger just to get a day of federal funding. Grrr.

Little did we know that was just the beginning of the fun. It turned out that the whole neighborhood had lost power, so I didn't have my doc appointment. Cletus reported seeing whole trees (big oaks) in our neighboorhood pulled up by the roots and laying on houses. It was crazy!

Tdawg, Buddy and I left to go pick up Tdawg's tux for prom. We were at Gander Mountain when Round 2 hit. We could see the swirling clouds and the seafoam green cloud. Very spooky. That was the one that hit the Harvest area. We left right after and got home just in time for Round 3. Round 4 was about 6p.

It was scary. No power. No idea what was going on. No cell service. No land line service. Even the radio dial was unusually quiet. We learned later that a lot of the radio stations had lost power, their transmitter or both.

We stayed put through the dark night. Thank goodness for solar yard lights. They make awesome candles! It wasn't until late that night that we started to learn just what all had happened.

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