Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Right Choice?

Lately, I have been feeling totally overwhelmed and nearly inable to make a decision. I think the problem is too many choices. I can't process all of it. So I become unwilling to decide. Then I become more and more anxious. My dad's favorite: "when in doubt, don't!" doesn't work for me. I read the other day that you should allow the selection be to from two or three choices. Then choose quickly and move on. Most decisions are not irrevocable. Chances are you can change your mind later on. Quit fussing trying to make the "perfect" decision and get on with your life. A co-worker of Cletus' came from USSR. When this guy went to the grocery store in Russia, he would be fortunate to find a loaf of bread...there certainly were not fifteen different kinds of bread. So when he went to an American grocery store, he was paralyzed by the number of the choices. I can totally relate. I am a people pleaser. I'm tough on myself; a bit of a perfectionist. I over plan. So, trying to consciously make choices and move on is not easy for me. But I'm trying...

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