Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fortune Cookie Continued.

At work, some of us were pondering the deep question of “What would happen if I just got in my car and drove west?” G said "Well Laurie would get hopelessly lost in Mississippi !” Gee thanks. So, I am only capable of driving a couple hundred miles and then I’d be cluelessly lost? Is that what people really think of me?? Mind you, I’m not saying that they are wrong…I just thought that I hid it better than that. Apparently not.

1 comment:

SSP said...

well, if you get on 10 and drive west, you will eventually hit tucson....I will come down to the highway and guide you to my house :-)

if you wanted to take it a little further north, we could do the thelma and louise thing...but I get Brad Pitt!!