Saturday, March 14, 2009

Retro Weekend Part Three

So my fortunes at PF Chang's were: Be yourself and you will always be in fashion. And you will receive a surprising gift very soon. Nice and vague...and not true so far. I have always been myself and have NEVER been in fashion...and no surprising gift, thus far.

Sunday morning, we ate breakfast at the hotel. It was a surprisingly good variety of food! We had quite a few foreigners staying at the hotel. In Bham that weekend was the Davis Cup (tennis) Tournament of the US vs Switzerland. The Swiss women were quite amusing. They dress very 80's and one had on a tshirt that said Desperate Swisswives. Very funny!

Then I took Smarty Pants to the airport. That is a very big step in a relationship (just watch When Harry Met Sally). For being a big city, the airport has a municipal airfield feel to it. We asked a very nice man to take our picture. He is from Massachusetts and wondered if we were in the wedding. Um, no. But I was willing to sign Smarty Pants up as the new bride (we just need to locate a willing, I mean groom). Hee hee.

I hated to see her have to leave so soon. We still had more catching up to do. But at least maybe this year I will make honorable mention in her Christmas letter. And if she makes it to Kentucky later in the year, I am so there.

One of the funniest things that Smarty Pants said is that her mother always said that I was the nice one! Really? Wow, I always thought that I was the one your mother warned you about. I guess it is the quiet ones that you have to watch out for!!

1 comment:

SSP said...

yes, this once every 25 years crap is for the birds. I am so glad we have stayed in touch over the years...and even with all my new found knowledge, I still think you are the "good" one....I personally think your kids need a trip to the grand canyon!! i promise to get MY version up soon!