Friday, April 24, 2009

Land of Giants

Buddy went to the doc yesterday for a check up. The nurse had to stand on a chair to measure him. He is now officially 6'5"!! At age 17, he may still grow some more. I rather hope not. Finding size 38" waist and 38" length pants is challenging enough!

Last week, Tdawg had his football physical and is up to 5'11" (he will be 15 in August). Tdawg will likely hit a growth spurt here soon. He already wears the same size shoe as Buddy. Tdawg says that he wants to be 6'7". I will be surprised if he gets that tall. I have big feet for a girl...size ten. But check out Tdawg's new football cleats. Size 15!!

1 comment:

Les & Sweetie Berry said...

Our Ross in Decatur has size 15 tennis shoes, cleats and dress shoes right now for 9.99 each! Might want to check it out when you get home!