Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wild Weekend

It happens every year, the weekends during the winter are just blah. But the minute it warms up, I have more to do than there are hours in the day. Saturday was a prime example. We, that is Cletus, is one big step closer to being finished. He painted the front porch, the front door and took care of the lock hardware. Bless his heart, it was way more trouble than it should have been. But it looks AWESOME! During that time, I was volunteering at our company golf tournament from 7a until 2p. Then I ran over to Quiet Observations' Pampered Chef party. I love Pampered Chef. I used their products daily. I couldn't live without the pizza stone, can opener and spoon-ula (spatula spoon combo). So I'm excited to get my new stoneware muffin cups and barbecue tongs. You would almost believe that I actually cooked occasionally (that's ok, I used to believe that too). Actually, I go to the parties to keep up appearances and eat the prepared food. Miss Lara did not disappoint. She even emailed me the recipes. I will print them out and put them in a protective sleeve in my 3 ring binder cookbook. And there they will stay...untried. Maybe I should try a belated New Years' revelation to cook more...Hmmm. However, the rest of Saturday slipped away. Picking up dinner and Tdawg from his friend's paintball birthday party. Before I knew it, it was after 11p and I was exhausted.


Sherry said...

The paint job looks very nice! The party was fun, I like Pampered Chef too. The Chocolate Banana Dessert was yummy!

SSP said...

house loooks FAB!!!