Friday, September 12, 2008

A Giant Step Backwards

Lets put our political preferences aside. I am thoroughly dismayed with the attacks heaped upon Governor Sarah Palin and her family...especially from other women! I think Mrs. Palin is wonderful. I'm not talking about her political views. I think she is an amazing WOMAN. She proudly represents the traditional American family. She has been married to the same man for twenty-some years. She did not bail out like many do, but obviously choose to stay with him in good times and in bad. She proudly has a large family, which includes a special needs child. She supports her son, who just deployed to defend our country. She is a working mom. And has seemed to do this all with dignity and grace. With all of these credentials, she should be woman of the year! I am appalled that the news media is questioning her effectiveness as a mother, just because she works! What a slam against all working mothers. Especially those with special needs children! Slamming Mrs. Palin is a giant step backwards for the women in general. We should not let the media rip apart one of our own. Do we not remember how many women suffered just to give us the right to vote and have our voices be heard? Now is not the time to be SILENT!

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