Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last week I was paid a compliment. Someone in the other building at work saw me and inquired about my marital status. I was blown away. Being almost 45, it just amazed me that I still show up on the radar. The girl who told me about it said "Well, at least you know that you still got it goin' on!" I do? Lately it sure doesn't seem like it. I am thinking that all of my goin' on is picking up and headin' south. Lucky for me my man doesn't seem to notice that I'm getting older and more senile. Or at least he doesn't say anything about it (smart man!). That is the great thing about growing old together!

1 comment:

Just My Life said...

It's kind of nice to be reminded though that we are women, not just Mom, Wife, Employee, house cleaner, cook, church worker, etc., but a woman, independent of all that! It's nice to be flattered every now and then - I hope it gave you a lift in your day. A cop who recently let me out of a speeding ticket, called a mutual friend of ours and asked if I was married ... made me wonder about his ulterior motive in letting me off on the ticket, but still .... I was slightly flattered! :) Have a great day you wonderful and delightful woman!