Friday, February 6, 2009

Beep beep

Absolutely no offense to drivers of the Nissan Verse or similarly made vehicles. But for me, being used to my big honkin' suv...this little thing is a clown car. It even honks like a clown car! Especially when at 5'6" tall, I'm the shortest in the fam. Cletus driving looked like that scene in The Incredibles! Thankfully, I got an upgrade today. I'm now in a Camry. Much mo' better! Guess I'll have to return the clown shoes and the red nose. Thanks to J who offered to loan me her rainbow wig. Looks like I'll be in the Camry for two weeks or so. I have to go to the shop tomorrow and see what all they have decided is wrong. Hey, no rush...get it done right (the first time!).

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