Thursday, February 12, 2009


It is Thursday and I'm tired. And I'm fussy. Ya know, sometimes it stinks being an adult. We finally got someone to actually show up and give us an estimate on painting the house. I thought Cletus was going to stroke out. The grand total = $4000. Holy Crow!! So we are figuring that if we rent a boom lift and buy the paint ourselves, that we will save $3000. As if that weren't enough to think about...the laundry is still not draining properly. We looked it up and Drano type products do not work on lint. So we called Roto Rooter to snake it out. But when the guy showed up, he said it was a waste of time to snake it. Excuse me? I'm paying you to waste your snake it. He didn't. So we are back to square one on that one. If we replace the french drain, the county expects you to do a perk test. Ridiculous! Just another way to get money out of us. To do a test that doesn't matter. There was already a drain, the house is already built. What are we supposed to do if we fail? Pay more money to have it done again?? It is aggravating!!!!!