Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Fest Fun

It has become tradition to go to Tate farm on Saturday before Halloween.

Buddy is not little anymore...but enjoys it just as much as little kids do.

There are plenty of photo opportunities and Buddy was happy to smile for all of them.

I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Everybody loves Sylvester and Tweety Bird!

Too cute...that is a big piggie!

Buddy loves Horton!

The Cat in the Hat with Thing 1 and Thing 2. I like the Cat in the Hat because he always picks up all of his playthings...even though he let Thing 1 and Thing 2 out of the box!

Buddy is still taller than the pumpkin!

Buddy and the House of Pumpkins!

Buddy loves Sprite...he should do commercials for them!

Buddy is not only taller than the hay maze...he remembers it from last year and walked right through!

We went on the hay ride and had to find just the right size pumpkin...

Buddy insisted that I had to pose with the selected pumpkin too. I like the green ones but Buddy would not have anything to do with the green ones.

Once we got home, Buddy wanted me to paint a spider web on it.

Too bad I had flash blur. Buddy loved the corn crib. It must be comfortable to lay on.

The corn cob ride was the most fun! I rode too!

There was a train of corn cobs pulled by a tractor. It was a lot of fun!!

Buddy's favorite part was petting the rabbits! Amazing since he does not like animals that much. But he walked right over and picked one up and held it to his cheek. So precious!!

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