Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I am doing a study on contentment. It has been a blessing. The best part so far are the three rules...don't complain, don't compare and don't compete. Much easier said than done. But it has led to an interesting people study. Why DO we run away from contentment and search for something we really don't need and usually don't even want after we get it? I know someone who never seems happy. She is discontent with the way her life has turned out. And yes, some events were way out of her control. But instead of learning from it, she is "content" to just wallow in it. She never says anything positive. And thinks I'm nuts if I don't agree with her view. "Well, I don't care for it..and I don't know why you would like it!" My goodness, what a miserable existance. Contentment is learned and happiness is a choice. And even though I get in trouble at work for it...I choose happiness!


Shawna said...

I like those 3 rules. Something I need to apply to my life. I don't know why anyone would want to wallow in discontent either.

Sherry said...

Those are good "rules" but I often fail at them, I complain and compare but I don't like to compete. I probably do it anyway and I don't even know it.