Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It is all in a name

Probably a good thing that my mother didn't name me after my grandmother, "Grace". I seem to be seriously lacking in the art of balance and gracefulness (yes, I hurt my foot...again!). Then again, my dad wanted to name me "Bonnie"...and call me "Bon-bon". Oh dear, that would not have been good! Never really have liked my name but I realize that it could be worst. And by the way, I would have been Scott, if I'd been a boy. I wonder if others are satisfied with their names...do they like their name? do they feel that it suits them? do they know what else they would have been named?


Shawna said...

I do like my name. And, I actually like my middle name: Leigh. I was going to be named Cory (boy or girl), but that was changed. Not named after anyone in the family.

Brenda said...

I was supposed to be Beverly Jean if I was a girl Trevor David if I was a boy. Good thing they changed it. I would not have like Beverly at all.

mkg said...

How many folks do you know with a dog named Mitzi? That seems to be the usual species for a Mitzi. When I was born my granddaddy had to write down my name on a piece of paper and carry it with him in his shirt pocket. A lot of my family shortens it to "Mit", people at work call me Mitzi Lou even though my actual name is Mitzi Kay - guess it doesn't really matter as long as I answer. And the one thing that does really matter is that Jesus calls me His child.