Saturday, November 22, 2008

Global Warming?

Global warming? Are you kidding me! I know we have had Thanksgivings where we ate outside! Not this year, it is about 19 degrees and I'm freezing my assets off! I thought I left this crap in when I moved out of Alaska! I'm beginning to think that Mason's idea of moving to Mexico is not a bad idea. Let all of them come north: they can start with North Dakota, Maine and the UP of Michigan. We will all move south and be beach bums! Who is up for a road trip?


Shawna said...

Right now I have no concept of how cold it is since I've been living in the house for about 2 weeks. I was shocked to hear how cold it was last night. But, I will say, I would like to see some snow. Just SEE it, that's all. It doesn't have to stay long.

Charmaine said...

Hey Laurie,

I'm glad you're not a stereotypical accountant. Whew. I have to say, down round these parts, global warming seems real.

I should be able to break out a coat now but the weather here insists on pretending it is still summer.

Or maybe it's my hot flashes.

Hey, as an accountant, what is your opinion on the recent bail outs? I would love to hear the opinion of a professional.


Laurie said...

Ug, I don't think much of the bailouts. If it is that necessary, then it should come with stipulations on how the money is to be used. I'm more in favor of reorganization bankruptcy where there has to be a plan and a neutral party (judge) oversees the management. True with individuals, if you can't manage money; then giving you more money is not going to help. You need guidance. We are in the midst of killing the free market system. Kind of scary!