Sunday, November 2, 2008

Super Tuesday

Thanks to Catching Some Waves for this picture. This sign says it all! It doesn't matter that the media has already picked a winner. We haven't voted yet!! If not us, then who? If not us, then when? We need to stand up and be heard. I am not against making history. Just as long as we are doing it for the right reason. Let us not forget that having a woman Vice President and Leader of the Senate is ground-breaking too! I don't love either candidate. But if we do not preserve the preciousness of life...then why even bother! I was reading Catching Some Waves blog and have heard a lot about what socialized healthcare would most likely do. If healthcare is going to be open to everyone, including illegal immigrants, there will not be enough doctors. So healthcare will be prioritized. Your health will be determined by if they think you are worthy. I know our system isn't good now...but I am willing to bet that expensive surgeries will go by the wayside. I'm willing to bet that the government is not going to want to spend large sums of money to keep premature babies alive. I'm willing to bet that 80 year old patients are not going to get the care they need. Why do people in Canada want to come to the US to receive medical treatment? Because they have socialized medicine. So please pray and vote!


Brenda said...

Very well put. Love the picture.

SSP said...

Laurie, I have know you for 30 years and I have always loved you, but I take great issue with the picture. Even the author of the blog has problems with it. He writes: Unless I divulge the information, how I vote is known only to me and God. So, how will the world identify me as a Christian by my vote? Instead, the world may choose to identify me as a racist or a homophobe or a war-monger if my vote is my “witness”

and then he goes on to say, It assumes that genuine Christians have only one choice in the election. And with that assumption is the implication that if I don’t vote that way, I must not be a Christian.

There are more issues at stake here than just the right to choose and gay marriage and what you think of as "socialized medicine." I know plenty of Christians who are planning to vote for Barack Obama, and I also know a few jews and agnostics who plan to vote for McCain. You can't base your vote on one or two moral questions - it is not how you vote that will get you into Heaven!

As someone commented on that blog, "Democrats and Republicans will have to come together as Americans to support our next president, no matter who he is," and by extension, so will Christians, Jews, atheists, muslims, gays, heterosexual, asexual, Right to Lifers and Right to Choicers, as well as those who refuse to be defined!