Sunday, December 14, 2008


I was so inspired by V, that I decided to post my favorites:
My favorite Nativity scene...of course it is personal because I painted each piece...

This is my absolute favorite. It is an elf that was in my grandmother's house. I miss her dearly and seeing this elf always makes me smile.

This ornament was my parent's before they had children. There was a whole set but only a few remain and my mom gave me one of them before she died.

My brother and I fought over this elf every year.

I made this ornament out of a milkpod in Girl Scouts. It has survived moving from Colorado to Alaska to Alabama and then a few moves after that. I wonder if anyone else in the troop still has theirs...

I wonder what ornaments my kids will treasure and why...


SSP said...

was that when we were in scouts? i don't remember making one, but i have wiped most of those experiences from my mind. Julia McPeek and Kathy green haunt my nightmares to this day...and I still hold it against sharon whasserface!!

Loveday's Day said...

Your Nativity scene is great. Good job. I love your ornaments.

Laurie said...

I was in GS since Brownies through ninth grade. I'm thinking that was the first year of girl scouts. Probably before you got to town.