Sunday, December 14, 2008

No Fair!

I measured the boys yesterday. Buddy is unofficially 6'4 & 1/2". Wow!! Tdawg is unofficially 5'10". So, I am the only one short enough (5'6") to still be on the Power Ranger growth chart! (sniff). I can not believe that Tdawg has grown four inches since last year! But that is pretty typical with teenage boys! I think (hope!) that Buddy is done growing. Tdawg will probably top off at 6'2" or so. Only time will tell.


SSP said...

Sam is almost 18 and scratching the edge of 6'4....and he probably weighs 125 soaking wet!! Rose, who is 9, is almost as tall as I am, and her feet are already bigger!! Kids, I tell ya, it is the hormones in our food!!

Shawna said...

I like the new look. Your grocery bill must be quite large to feed such growing boys. I don't think I'll have to worry about R.J. being 6' 4"...neither Aaron or I are that tall nor is anyone in our immediate family. Whew.