Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

Some old same old here, which is to say: life is never a dull moment.

One of the best things about Christmas time is the music. Last Monday night, we went to the Heritage Bell Ringers concert. It was wonderful! I was thinking that maybe I could be a bell ringer, but those people have to be able to read music and keep up with the different bells and not drop them. That leaves me out! Oh well, I guess I’ll stick to playing the triangle and the air guitar (LOL!).

Despite my best efforts to keep this year stress free…Wednesday, I got a call from Cletus early in the morning. He woke up at 4a not feeling well. So, of course, he got up and went to work. By the time he called me the pain behind his left shoulder blade was really bad and the pain was radiating down his arm. Oh my!! With his family history and risk factors, I raced to pick him up and drove him to the emergency room.

Thankfully, he was just inconvenienced; instead of being a tragedy. The old ticker checked out fine. But they kept him trapped for about six hours. At noon, they definitively said that it was not his heart and he could go as soon as they finished the paperwork. Long-suffering is not one of Cletus virtues. At 1:30p, with NO paperwork in hand, Cletus walked out. He was still in significant pain, but the ER folks really did not care and were not going to do anything else for him. Nice.

Cletus is following up with Dr. Eddie. We are pretty sure that it is not his gall bladder, which means it is probably a pinched nerve. He is improving with otc pain reliever, heating pad and laying down flat.

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