Thursday, December 9, 2010

Weekend Recap

Another weekend of not getting enough done… - well, I might get most of my projects done by Christmas. Otherwise, my friends will just have to overlook my shortcomings and be happy with January fool presents.

I was so hoping for a relaxing weekend. Saturday, I got some extra sleep but woke up with a splitting headache that would not go away. I think due to the change in weather, my sinuses went crazy. I have talked to several people who also had a headache all day on Saturday. After the Auburn game (War Eagle Baby) I took some meds and a hot shower and started to shake it.

I was headed upstairs to bed when Cletus said “do you hear that?” Ugh!! NO! I’m tired, I don’t want to hear anything! But yes, I heard it: another water leak. This time it was the hot water supply to the washing machine. So, between 10:30p and almost midnight, the plumber cut through the drywall and soldered copper pipes. Ugh! Thankfully, it had not been leaking for long. Could have been a whole lot worst!!

Sunday was much better. Our church had their Christmas Choir program. It was beautiful. I’m quite envious of the singing talent. Sure wish I could sing like that...well, some of us just have to make a joyful noise!

I spent the rest of the afternoon with my buddy, Mitzi. She said that if you don’t feel well on your birthday, that it shouldn’t count. So, we decided that she could “red shirted” this year. And thus be eligible for a younger birthday next year. Don’t ya just love creative math?!? She gave me a card that says: ”Good friends make each other laugh; Really good friends go for the snort!“ …and we did plenty of snorting! :-D

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