Monday, February 4, 2013


And so it begins. Hubby brought home about fifty boxes. Sadly, we will probably need more. I just don't know what to, and what not to keep. Just trying to take it one box at a time. I finished packing a few boxes on Sunday. And did a few more today. My brother is a hoarder... I make a conscious decision to not have things overtake my life. But it is hard to let go. I have the treasures from my childhood since both of my parents are gone. I think maybe a granddaughter would appreciate some of it. I just don't want to leave a bunch of junk for my kids to go through. My grandmother was a bit of a hoarder too. Her house was a nightmare when she passed. So another part of me wants everything to go. There must be a happy middle ground? Somewhere.

1 comment:

SSP said...

i hear ya. Fortunaltey mom made me take all my own childhood things that were left, when I now that crap fills closets and i have no grand children to give it to...musix box from italy given to me by my great grandmother who probably got it from HER grand mother....who gets THAT? who will care? we are middle aged laurie...and this schtuff is HARD!!