Monday, March 18, 2013

Done and done!

So, the Engi-nerd made a solid offer on the house on Thursday night!  As I had guessed, it was low and had a list of fixes.  No big fixes (kind of silly things like: leaving the bathroom mirrors and replacing a light bulb)! We countered on Thursday night.  And before I left on Friday morning, we had a verbal contract!

Wow!  I must say, I'm still in shock.  I didn't know if the house would sell in six/nine months. I was concerned about the economy, the housing market, etc.  But ya know, if God wants you to move...Bam!  It is done and done in days.

We sign the written contract and put up the sold sign today (only because I was gone over the weekend). We went yesterday up to Fowler Creek Subdivision and walked around again.  We picked a builder and a house. We are going with the one pictured in the blog earlier.  We like it and only making a minor change to the bathroom.  We should hear about the lot, builder and time frame today.

So, the end of April...we will officially be homeless.  Sounds scary, but I'm ok with it.  The plan is rolling along.  We will be in temporary housing for a couple months.  Not sure where.  We had a few options come available yesterday.  So I'm sure we will know soon how it is all going to unfold.

I got the thinking last night that I'll have to pack for the temporary housing.  Seems like a good time to try the 30/30 idea.  Only 30 items (not including accessories, pjs, workout wear, undieroos) to combine and recombine into 30 outfits.  I'll keep ya posted on how this experiment works.

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