Friday, March 1, 2013


The other day, I was cleaning and washing drapes in preparation to list the house.  When I see (pics below).  Something has eaten (like acid) through the aluminum frame of our windows. It looked like it was from the underneath, some places were just starting to bubble.  Others were eated all the way through.

I called the company that installed the windows.  Their first reaction was that there must be pressure (chemically) treated wood underneath.  They, of course, acted like it was our fault.  We were ready for a fight.  But it turns out the only thing underneath is their fiberboard/mdf.  No one has ever heard of pressure treated mdf.  So the why, will remain a complete mystery.

But the result, all of the window frames taken off.  The mdf chiseled away. New wood put up. And reframe.  Times about 20.  So yesterday was loud, like a mammoth dentist drill, and cold.  It was chaos.

Chaotic because in the midst of this crisis, my dryer died.  So at one point yesterday, there was 3 people and the loud drilling on the windows, two more people with installation of the dryer, my cell phone ringing and the house phone ringing all at one time.  Calgon...take me away!!

I'm hoping that today it will be finished up. The painter is coming tomorrow to paint the stairwell. Hopefully we can take pics and list next week. I am cautiously optimistic...

For now, I am enjoying the calm before the workers arrive.  It is peaceful and warm.  And I'm thankful this it getting resolved.

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