Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Ah, the rest from this weekend has evaporated in two days...

Yesterday, I went on a cheer visit to a friend/former co-worker who is battling cancer.  She is such a sweet spirit.  So grateful.  It struck me that most people don't listen with the intent to understand and empathize.  They listen with the intent to judge and convey their opinion.  Most people just want to be heard.  I don't know what God's plan is with my friend.  One path seems evident, but we all know that what seems evident to us...may not be God's plan.  Either way, thankfully, she is at peace.

It is hard for me though.  Just brings up all of the memories of my Mom and how much I miss her. :,(

Then after navigating a tremendous thunderstorm, we signed the paperwork to set the sale of the house in motion.  The closing date will be late April.  Then we talked to new construction.  We picked a lot, a builder, a plan, and let them know the modifications/specifications we wanted.  Really only two changes.  I don't want a garden tub.  I want a bigger shower and a closet.  Thankfully, no extra charge. And hubby wants a few more feet in the garage.  Found out that is only going to be $3k, which is within budget.  That is great!  A detached would be $20k and definitely not in the budget!

So, today we put down earnest money.   The builder will secure the lot from the developer (not anticipating any problems with that).  And then get started.  We don't know the time frame yet.  But I have heard that he has a crew ready, and if the weather cooperates...it may not be as long as I originally thought!  We should know more tomorrow.

Tomorrow.  Ugh!  The inspector is coming over tomorrow.  I'm dreading a list of picky items.  I made sure we had bulbs in all of the fixtures. (shaking my head).  Praying we don't have any deal breakers. (finger crossed).

Now the mad scramble to figure out what we will need temporarily...pack the rest...take little stuff to storage...get quotes on moving the big stuff...figure out time tables on shutting off utilities, cable, phone...

Oh yeah, do all of the usual stuff.  Finish the taxes.  Do the FASFA for Tdawg's school stuff.  I am at the bottom of the avalanche again.  It is a little scary.  But exciting. Right now, my fear is diminishing my faith.  Maybe a good nights' sleep would help?

1 comment:

SSP said...

sleep is over rated. In my experience, once you push the snowball to the top of the hill, you have to keep tap dancing as fast as you can and that sometimes means EXTRA coffee....don't lay in bed fretting about stuff...GET UP and make lists...once you get it out of your head and on paper it seems to help....not always of course, adn than is when Tylenol PM is useful. So excited for you!

I also know what you mean about people not wanting to really LISTEN....it always seems to get twisted around to THEM, doesn't it....I have given up talking to actual people about some of my problems...everyone has a solution, or a way it worked for them that I should try....what ev's