Friday, March 22, 2013

MacGyver To the Rescue

I put my mad HGTV skills to work today.  I went to Lowe's, by my self.  I picked up the tools to fix stuff (without assistance).  I went home and fixed a couple of the items on the inspecion list!  Yay me!  I am woman hear me roar!!  Ok it wasn't rocket science.  I fixed the stopper in two of the sinks and replaced wall switches and the gutter downspouts..  But mother really would be so proud of me.

There are actually only two things that really scare me.  Roofing/extreme heights (read: falling on my head) and electrical work (and yes, I have been minorly electrocuted). But the rest of it I'm good with.  I can even do saws, minor plumbing, painting, tile and grout... 

I am always asking Cletus questions.  He thinks I'm questioning his methods, when really I am trying to find the sensibility.  Why do it that way? Why not do it this way?  "Because" is not a good answer.  It won't work?  But why won't it work?  I'm worst than a little kid.  He finally wised up that I really am interested in understanding why something is the way it is.  I really have learned quite a bit. I should have taken shop in high school!

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