Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Break

Spring? Doesn't seem to apply.  It was 26 degrees and snowing yesterday.  And not much better today.  Good day to build blanket forts and have a movie day...or stay in bed under the covers!  Maybe by week's end it will warm up.  I'm just thankful that the Snowbird weather was so wonderful!! :)

Break?  That doesn't seem to apply either.   Although, I knew I would have some chores: packing, taxes, house appraisal, getting estimates from the movers. 

Yesterday, I got the taxes done.  We are getting a refund (PTL)! And the appraisal guy came.  And I got some boxes packed.  Nice to cross stuff off the list!

Today, the estimate from the movers and more boxing.  I was planning on fun stuff the rest of the week (when it warms up.)

But what I wasn't planning on was a trip to Crestwood this week.  Cletus went to the doc yesterday and the doc said "you are in trouble".  Not what he wanted to hear!  He has three kidney stones.  One large (unpassable) stone on each side; the other stone is smaller, but won't pass because of the larger one above it.  Unfortunately, the only option is surgery.  So, Wednesday he will be doing outpatient at Crestwood. (Prayers greatly appreciated). Not a very fun surgery (quite invasive) but the recovery time is short.

Despite all, Buddy is enjoying his spring break.  He gets to stay up late at night, sleep in late in the morning.  And he is mesmerized by the paint by number I got him.  So nice that I don't have to entertain him constantly!

Probably a good thing we don't know what our future holds...or we'd just stay in bed under the covers!

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