Monday, May 12, 2008

Good Days, Bad Days and Going Half Mad Days

Did ya miss me? I've been unplugged for a week! Yikes!! Right now I'm taking advantage of my tax dollars at work and blogging at the public library. It's too hard to blog on a cell phone!
Last week, hmmm. Well, any week that includes starting a new job, a trip to the ER, wondering if someone will be "snatched bald" is by definition got to be good, bad and crazy!
The new job is good and crazy. I am out of my comfort zone being the new kid . I am not crazy about having to figure out 401k stuff. Age at retirement: Now?? Amount desired at retirement: 10 million should be sufficient to cover EVERYONES needs and then some. Ha ha.
The work environment itself is great and I have a second floor window and sunshine. (Very important for us solar powered people. I'm just not the same on a cloudy day!) And I really like my new family. The work is a little crazy. Everyone is so busy that it's hard to get a free minute out of anyone. But I'm managing to slog through and have not made any irreversible mistakes. Whoo hoo! I may even have gotten a gold star!
Oh I do have to tell you that it is freezing cold at work! So I was going to buy a heater. I was told that the company prefers to buy the heater (to control the quality, I suppose). So I asked Mr. Security for a heater. He shook his head and said "you skinny people! how do you survive? I'm sweating just standing here!" Huh what? Me? Skinny? ROTFLMPO!! It was a classic moment. Never happened before and will probably never happen again. But for now I'm loving every minute of it!!!
Amazingly, it wasn't me going to the ER! Aren't y'all proud. Gee one more trip and my frequent visitor punch card will be full! Ha ha. This time it was Cletus on Sunday at midnight! He did not want to alarm me hours before I started my new job so he wrote a note. He said it is not really crowded at that hour of the morning and virtually no traffic. Of course, I woke up at 2am completely perplexed. It took me quite awhile to find the note. I resumed breathing and Cletus was home shortly thereafter.
Cletus and I got a call from the asst principal this last week. We are not accustomed to this and but did our best to handle it with diplomacy (or not). There for awhile I was concerned that I would come home to find Tdawg snatched bald by Cletus. That didn't happen and all is well with the world. Just another teenage bump in the road.


Anonymous said...

You know we all dig the skills. Hey, I'd like to retire. Can I come live with you? I'll cook.

Brenda said...

I'm glad your back. I missed reading about the going ons, of your life.