Friday, May 23, 2008


Now that both of my kids are in High School…I have decided to share my personal Mom Truths:
1. A slice of bologna will fit nicely in a DVD player.
2. Cats do not like to swing.
3. Dogs look funny when they eat peanut butter.
4. It is possible to clean a pop-tart out of the VCR; however it is not possible to clean a PB&J sandwich out of a VCR.
5. If you turn on the ceiling fan and push really hard on a baby powder container repeatedly, it will look like it is snowing; it will go everywhere; it is nearly impossible to clean up.
6. Home Improvement stores should re-think having toilet displays. Toddlers do not understand this concept.
7. Round legos will easily fit in your nose, but are more difficult to extract.
8. Beans and b-b’s must be professionally removed from your ears.
9. Your digestive system can pass a penny, but not a quarter.
10.And most of all remember: it goes by all too quickly!!

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