Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Whatever it is...it is ok.

I have been thinking a lot about fear this week. My irrational fear of huge rabid critter beasts (bunnies?) multiplying rapidly in the attic and all of the other silly things I worry about. It takes a lot of energy to worry. I really would like to be more like my pastor Billy Bob (not his real name). He can truly say: "Whatever it is: it is ok. It is all good" and he truly means it and lives it. Right now, I feel that I'm still wandering in the wilderness praying that God will free me from the circumstance of the moment. I have come to realize that, at least in this area, I'm a slow learner. God has to show me something a few times before I really get it. I know in my head that I am the one giving fear it's power. I need to take the thought captive and put it to the litmus test. How likely is this? (The answer is usually not likely at all.) If it happened, how bad could it be? (It could be unpleasant for awhile. But not that bad.). However, in the middle of the circumstance, I throw this knowledge out the window and react irrationally. I'm still working on getting to that next step...

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