Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chow Mein Breakfast?

I would not say that I'm totally anti-social and a loner, but I am not big on group activities. Prime example why was our next stop: lunch. Granted, it is hard to seat and feed a group of 30 at lunch. And when in a group, you have to do what the group does. The group leader decided ahead of time and made the required reservation at a mexican restaurant. I love mexican food. Buddy will NOT eat mexican food. So the whole lunch, each of the other 28 people would ask: just Sprite? isn't he going to eat ANYTHING? would he eat some of my ___ ? If I thought he would possibly eat it, trust me, I would have ordered it. I did try ordering their cheese dip. But it didn't look like normal cheese dip. It was not creamy textured, it was oily and hardened upon cooling. Buddy was not happy. And after answering the same questions 28 times, I was not too happy either.

The rest of the trip was better. We were generally left on our own for food choices. Reno has a McDonald's and they have lots of buffets. The breakfast buffets there include a taco bar and lots of chinese food!

Hmm, an eggroll for breakfast. Not my idea of yummy. But 90% of the tourists are asian. So I'm sure that is why you can eat asian food 24/7. Thankfully for Buddy, we found a great all-you-can-eat buffet that had macaroni and cheese,pizza and ice cream on the lunch and dinner buffets. Buddy got his moneys worth. I did too. That same buffet had prime rib and peel and eat shrimp. Yummo!!

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