Thursday, March 11, 2010

Houston, we have a problem.

Well, the bus did leave the hotel a little after 5a. But that was the only thing on time that day. By the time our flight left at 11:45a (a mere five hours late), Reno had 15 inches of snow! Needless to say, we missed our Dallas connecting flight. We were fortunate to get aboard the next flight...a much later flight. That flight home left Dallas at 8p. Six lovely, glorious, mind-numbing hours in the Dallas airport. Ugh! We finally were able to board at 9:50p. And thought we were homeward bound...maybe. I said half-jokingly that if we were still in Dallas at sunrise, that I was just going to go house-hunting and figure that God wanted me to live in Dallas!

As we neared our home airport, the pilot started talking to us. He called it a "weather activity". To me, an activity is coloring in a coloring book! His idea of "activity" turned out to be a massive thunderstorm. Shortly after chatting with us, the plane was hit by lightning! The whole plane shook and went dark. I was beginning to think that we were really homeward bound. Nothing quite like a "Come to Jesus" meeting at 12,000 feet!

It was WILD! We did manage to land on the right side landing gear and bumped down on the left. We leaned so far that I thought we were going to roll. Oh my! I was never so happy to be back on terra firma. Did I mention how much I hate flying and how the airlines treat you like cattle?

By the time, we got home, it was after midnight and already Monday. I was completely exhausted. I had to go to work in a few hours. I let Buddy sleep in and he slept until nearly noon. He had definitely earned it!!

1 comment:

SSP said...

awwww poor you.....i have been stranded in reno, AND dallas before, and MUCH prefer Dallas...never been struck by lightning though! How scary!! glad you made it home with all your pieces.....